[제목] (미국)SEVIS Fee인상10/27 |
The SEVIS Fee will increase from $100 to $200 on October 27th, 2008. We recommend that anyone who needs to pay a SEVIS Fee pay it before that time. |
[이전] 2009년 캐나다워킹 홀리데이 모집안내 |
[다음] 출국전 영어학습법 안내 |
테마별 어학연수
[제목] (미국)SEVIS Fee인상10/27 |
The SEVIS Fee will increase from $100 to $200 on October 27th, 2008. We recommend that anyone who needs to pay a SEVIS Fee pay it before that time. |
[이전] 2009년 캐나다워킹 홀리데이 모집안내 |
[다음] 출국전 영어학습법 안내 |